We are excited to announce that Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath will be launching on PC at 1pm on Friday, August 4th (PDT) alongside the Harbinger Challenge League. The Fall of Oriath is set to be our largest content expansion ever. In addition to six new acts of content, it includes new skill and support gems, unique items, improvements to game performance and much more! Check out the latest trailer for a sneak peek of the chaos.
我们很高兴的宣布流放之路:奥瑞亚的陨落PC版本会在太平洋时间8月4日星期五下午1点发布。并且同时开放先驱联盟(Harbinger challenge league, 暂时翻译,你高兴怎么叫就怎么叫!)奥瑞亚的陨落是我们目前对于游戏最大的拓展。其中包括6个新的章节,新的技能,新的辅助宝石,传奇装备,以及游戏性能表现的提升!(我在BETA还是觉得很卡!)

We haven't announced the release date for the Xbox One version just yet, but it's coming up also! We'll be launching a Closed Beta on Xbox One very soon. Keep an eye on the news for more information.
In the meantime, we encourage you to test The Fall of Oriath in its PC Beta! We're selecting players into the Beta randomly in waves. You can also get immediate access by purchasing a Supporter Pack here.
We wanted to take a moment to thank our community for their continued support throughout the years. Without your support, presence and feedback, the game as we know it would not have been possible. We are extremely proud of the work we've done on The Fall of Oriath and we can't wait to share it with you in all of its glory.
