坦克世界新卫星已经发射内容总结 3.4版本

2017-03-24 15:16:58 来源:网络 作者:网络

本篇是前天发布的关于WoT新卫星的内容的大总结 包括分房系统 10级LT之类的

关于这方面本来海服也有 本来可以偷懒摸鱼 繁转简一下就好

但是我去看了一下内容 机翻就不说了 内容还是前言不搭后语 因此我就重新翻译了一下

There's never a dull moment at our development studio, and the beginningof March has certainly been no different! While the Game Balance Team are neckdeep in processing battle stats and your feedback from the Sandbox, some of usflew off to GDC 2017 to pull the curtain back on several monumental changescoming your way in the near future.


Today, we’re walking you through what was just revealed at GDC 2017. We’llbegin with features rolling out in the next update: the improved matchmaker andTier X light tanks. Then it’s time to get the latest news from the Sandbox testand a glimpse at a completely new mode, Ranked Battles. Let’s get to it.


Improved Matchmaker



Two months after the initial reveal at WG Fest, we are excited to talkmore about major fixes to the matchmaking system. This time, we’ll talk aboutit in greater detail.

自从WG Fest首次提出要改进分房系统已经过去了两个月,这次,我们要很兴奋的告诉你更多的细节。

If you look at the current system, it can create 8/5/2 teams, where thetwo vehicles at the bottom have little to offer against tanks in the middle andat the top. And they rarely get to engage with their brethren from the opposingteam: there are just two of them on each side. Pretty vulnerable to all theother vehicles, they’re likely to get destroyed rather fast.


The improved matchmaker puts an end to this imbalance and a few otherupsetting scenarios, with a system of patterns and rules. At the heart of thesystem are three setups: three-, two-, and single-level battles. As for theother rules, they tackle some of the most common queries popping up in thecommunity:


Eliminate frustrating scenarios wherevehicles in the middle and at the bottom of the list are outnumbered by thoseat the top (just like the one we described above), as well as minimizeinstances of getting matched at the bottom of the list way too often during aseries of battles.

·Ensure a balanced vehicle spread foreach team, including the restriction of no more than three arty per side.

·Provide an enjoyable gaming experiencefor platoons by letting only one-tier Platoons into Random Battles.

·Reduce the instances of map dupes.

·解决了一场战斗中高级车数量超出低级车和中级车的问题(正如我们前文所述),并最小化经常连续被分至更高级 房的几率




The matchmaker analyzes the queue (the number, types, tiers and battletiers of vehicles in it), and then creates teams based on the speed-vs.-optimal-setupprinciple. Simply put, it balances getting you into action quickly and creatinga perfect match. If the search for the “perfect” match will leave you queueingtoo long, these rules will be relaxed in order to get you into a battle faster.The longer the wait, the bigger the step-away the system takes from the“perfect” patterns: 3/5/7 and 5/10. This way, you don’t get tired of waitingand always end up with a setup optimal for the current situation on the server.Now, let’s take a closer look at the three scenarios.



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